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Outdoor/Location Lighting Demo & Prop Sale (NE Area Meeting)

  • 07/17/2018
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Bentley Studios 13 W Stephens St, Winder, GA 30680


  • Current GPPA Member

We look forward to seeing you!
Registration is closed

The July program will be about outdoor and location lighting, Mike Bentley will host this event at his studio and will be showing and talking about the most exciting thing that he has found in the last thirty years he has been a photographer. It will be a demo program showing things that have worked in the past and what it has evolved into.

This is something that makes work easier and more fun, and didn't break the bank either.

We will also have a prop swap/sale! If you have something you are wanting to sell you can bring it with or you can post it on the web forum. Mike has tons of props, frames, lights and backgrounds for children and high school seniors for sale. We can do demos with them as well if we need to. Bring a truck and a checkbook!

Mike Bentley, will be an incredible teacher and an event not to be missed! He got his start in photography in the late 1970's while in high school. He attended North Georgia Tech and worked at a studio in Lawrenceville after graduating. Soon he became restless so went back to school to study business. Then in the early 80's he got his dream job working at Sea Island where he met his wife and business partner Chance. In 1990 they both left the island, Chance five months pregnant, and moved to Winder to open Bentley Photography where they have been for the last 28 years. Mike is a PPA Certified Professional Photographer, Craftsman Photog., and has the Georgia Service Degree from the GPPA.

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